What Classes do I Place into?

Placement into Math and English courses will be enforced starting with Fall 2024 registration. However, this does not mean that all students will have to take placement exams. For more information, please visit the Course Placement page.


We strongly encourage students to meet with an academic advisor to discuss course options and determine proper placement into classes. For more information visit our Academic Advising page.


What if my advisor recommends a placement test?

If you've already spoken with an advisor and determined that an Accuplacer placement test is right for you, in-person placement testing is held in Room 457 Lone Tree. For specific dates and sessions, please see the link below. 


Students should speak with an academic advisor before registering for classes or placement testing.


Sign up for an in-person placement test.


Placement testing is also available at the Page Center . For more information or to sign up for a test, contact Patrice Nimrod, 928-645-6683.

Preparing for Accuplacer 

Visit CollegeBoard website to Practice for the Accuplacer and access free study guides to prepare to take your placement exams. CCC students can also access the Mometrix eLibraryMometrix eLibrary of test prep resources. Just click on "College Admissions and Placement" to find specific help guides for Accuplacer (you'll need your cometID and password to access Mometrix off-campus).


Testing Fee Information

If you're a CCC student and this is your first time taking Accuplacer, it is free. If you are retesting, you must provide proof of payment for the $12 retesting fee by emailing a receipt to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before we can make your appointment. You may pay online by visiting our cashier's website .


Sending and Receiving Scores


Sending ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT, CLEP, and AP Scores


Incoming Scores

CCC accepts ACCUPLACER exam scores for placement. When submitting ACCUPLACER scores from another institution, you must request an official copy be emailed directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from the other institution. Scores submitted by students will not be accepted, unless they are verified and submitted through a CCC academic advisor.

ACT/SAT/CLEP/AP scores can also be used for placement. Please request an official copy through the appropriate College Board website, or see an academic advisor. CCC’s College Board code is: 1712

Outgoing Scores

CCC can send your test scores directly to another institution. To request that your scores be sent, please fill out the Test Score Release FormScores cannot be sent to a private email account, or directly to the student. Students must provide contact information for a department or staff member at the institution where you would like the scores to be forwarded. To receive a copy of your scores for personal use, please contact the Testing Office at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


Make-up Exams

For Students: Are you a CCC in need a make-up exam? First, your instructor will need to approve it and fill out the make-up exam request form. Then, you'll need to sign up for a testing session in Room 457 using the link below.  Session times may change semester to semester, so please browse our Calendly schedule using the sign up button below. 

Sign up for Make-up Testing (Students)

 For Instructors: To request proctored make-up exams for your students through Testing Services, please fill out the make-up exam request form linked below. Then, your students will need to sign up for testing using the instructions above. If you need to make changes to a request--add more student names, for instance--please just send in another form. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exam Request Form (Faculty)

 Fall 2024 Testing Center Hours (Check the sign-up link for the most accurate times)

Tuesday 9am - 3pm

Wednesday 10am - 5pm

Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 11am - 2pm

GED Testing & Pearson

CCC offers GED testing on the Page Center. For questions regarding GED testing offered by CCC, contact our Page Center.


To schedule and pay for your GED exams, or for more information, visit the GED website.


Nursing Entrance Exam

The ATI TEAS test is being handled directly by the college's Nursing Program. Please see their FAQ for more information.


Language Placement

Testing Services does not currently offer a test for language placement. Students with prior experience in a foreign language should contact the instructor of the course they wish to place out of (go to Courses Offered , pick a semester and subject, and click the envelope icon next to the instructor's name in the search results.)


Proctoring Services

Testing Services is now offering proctoring services for exams from other institutions or organizations. We charge a $45 fee for each testing session (up to 3 hours). For more information, please contact Testing Services at 928-226-4301 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Teachers or testing centers should also contact us via email. Once we have the exam, students may sign up for a testing sessions using the link below. 

 Sign up for Testing